Thursday, January 28, 2010

National Identity

National identity has been an issue the government has been concerned about. They have many programmes to try to teach the younger generation about the importance of national identity.

National identity is indeed an important part of building a strong and united nation. National identity is very important especially in times of crisis like economy downturns. In such times, only if the people stay united, then will they make it through these events.

As mentioned earlier, the government has been trying to teach the younger generation about the importance of national identity. For example, there is the annual N.Emation, in which the students of different schools create an animation which would expresses what they feel about total defense and the country. These videos usually show the importance of unity as a country and nation.

However, has all these efforts the government put in paid of? Has people come to posses this important trait - national identity? Perhaps yes. according to a survey done, about 97% of the people surveyed said that they are proud to be a Singaporean and another 98% consider Singapore as their home. These data shows that Singaporeans posses a sense of national identity.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Singaporeans, Bad Drivers?

I refer to the article on the TODAY newspaper "Are We A Nation Of Bad Drivers?" (january 16-17 2010). In my opinion it is somewhat common knowledge that Singaporeans have bad driving habits. However when the the TODAY paper surveyed 100 people, only 50% of the people surveyed said that Singaporeans were bad drivers.

Singaporeans indeed have bad driving habits. For example, many drivers speed and overtake other cars without signalling. This might result in fatal accidents happening. It is as if Singaporeans treat the roads and highways as a giant race track, racing each other every where they go.

So, what is the problem? Does the government has poor control over the roads of Singapore? Perhaps not. In the article, Mr Richard Tan, the manager of the SSDC, mentioned that the training they offers emphasizes a lot of safety. Maybe it is the attitude of the drivers. Singaporean drivers do not really care about safety rules as they probably think they are invulnerable. Also, they do not care about others and are very inconsiderate.

This inconsideration which Singaporeans posses perhaps have been in us ever since we are young. These are some of the more usual inconsiderate actions we see in modern day youths - not letting up their seats in crowded public transports, not giving way to others on escalators. If we educate these children properly from young, maybe we can gradually and slowly change this trend of bad drivers in Singapore.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Revamped Blog !!! ><

This blog has been REVAMPED slightly... New application has been added and Mousehunt pictures has been posted too. There would be more changes to improve on the layout of the blog. Possibly just more applications or maybe even a new skin claps, claps.

Note: the MouseHunt pictures are place in no particular order