Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Singapore, environmentallly friendly?

Over the years, the Singapore government has encourage the citizens to play a more active roll in rescuing the environment. However, has all these plans worked, has Singapore citizens become a greener country? Perhaps, the project has not been entirely successful. For example, Singapore citizens have became more active in recycling. Even schools have been rolling out projects to encourage students to recycle. But, many people has forgotten about the "bring your own bag day" event. Now, many people hardly bring their own plastic bags to the supermarkets on Wednesdays. Even the cashiers did not remember about the project. They have started giving out plastic bags on Wednesdays even when the custiomers are supposed to bring their own bags.
In the recessions, being environmentally friendly could be a help in reducing expenses. For example, by buying bulbs which use less energy, not only can we save money on electicity bills, we can also reduce the anout of electicity used, and saving the environment. However, buying a hybrid car which uses less petrol might not be cost-effective even if it is environmentally friendly. The car would definitely cost much more and even the fuel is more expensive.


NA said...

Hello Keenan,
I agree with you that the government nowadays are losing their sense of environmental friendliness. What happened to the campaign that every first Wednesday of every month in the year no plastic bags are to be given to customers? It is getting worse and worse. If this do not stop soon enough, soon, the whole world will be full of rubbish because of the lack of environment-friendliness in most of us. Many teenagers nowadays, they just throw their rubbish around the public without even using their brain to think of the consequences that may happen. Most of them are just too lazy to walk over to a rubbish bin nearby to throw their rubbish. However, we can do our part in saving the earth. We could try to save as much water as we can, so as to not exhaust the Earth of its natural resources.However, I disagree with you that we should buy a hybrid car. Most people would not be able to afford it at all. Maybe the cost of the cars can be reduced to help the Earth tackle this environmental proplem. Let us all do our part in maintaining the clean environment of our beautiful Earth!

Jing Ye

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